- Indian Economy :
- Indian Economy consists of 3 important aspects :
- RBI : Central bank and monetary authority
- RBI was established in private sector : 1935
- RBI was established in public sector : 1949
- Telecommunication policy : 1994
- Governor of RBI : Raghuram Govinda Rajan
- Occupational Structure : The distribution of working population among "different occupations" or "productive activities"
- There are 3 types of occupations (or sectors)
- Primary Occupation - Agriculture, Plantations, Mining etc
- Secondary Occupation - Industries, Construction activities
- Tertiary (service) occupation - Banking, Hotels, Computers, Communications
- The share of Agriculture in National income
- UK - 2%
- USA - 3%
- Canada - 4 %
- Australia - 5 %
- Working population engaged in Agriculture
- France - 14 %
- Japan - 13 %
- USA - 4 %
- UK - 2 %
- UAR - 64 %
- Pakisthan - 74 %
- India - 63 %
- The productivity per acre in small farms is greater than the large farms because of intensive cultivation.
- Agriculture Production per hectare
- Rice :
- India - 17.5 quintals
- China - 55.1 quintals
- North Korea - 75 quintals
- Wheat :
- India - 22.7 quintals
- China - 31.2 quintals
- Ireland - 74.5 quintals
- HYV - Highest Yielding Varieties
- The Industrial structure can be classified as
- Type of ownership
- Size of Investment
- Type of Output
- Structure of Industry by type of ownership
- The public sector
- The private sector
- the foreign sector
- Structure of ownership by size of investment
- The Large scale sector - Rs. 1 crore 50 lakhs above
- The Small scale sector - Rs. 25 lakhs to 1 crore 50 lahks
- The Tiny scale sector - Rs. 25 lakhs below
- Structure of Industry by type of Output
- Basic Goods Industries - Provide essential inputs
- Ex : Chemicals, Cement, Aluminium, Iron and Steel, Fertilizers etc
- Capital Goods Industries - Produce machinery and equipment
- Ex : Machine tools, engineering goods
- Intermediate goods industries - Produced in the process of other goods
- Ex : Tyre Industry, Plastics, Oils etc
- Consumer Goods Industries :
- Ex :T.V, Watch, Cosmetics etc.
Synopsis :
- Occupational Structure :
- Primary Sector : Agriculture, Cattle rearing, Poultry, Fishing, Forestry, Mining
- Secondary Sector : Capital Goods like machinery, Machine Tools, Consumption, Goods and Building Activities etc
- Tertiary Sector : Banking, Commerce, Communications, Computers etc
- Structure of Industry :
- Type of Ownership :
- Public Sector
- Private Sector
- Foreign Sector
- Size of Investment
- Large Scale Sector (more than 1 crore 50 lakhs of rupees)
- Small Scale Sector (25to 1 crore 50 lakhs of rupees)
- Tiny Scale Sector (below 25 lakhs of Rupees)
- Type of Output :
- Basic Industrties
- Capital Goods Industries
- Intermediate Goods Industries
- Consumer Goods Industries
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