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- India - A sub - Continent, Unity in Diversity, Diversity in Unity
- India is located in - Northern hemisphere
- Name India derived from - Indus or Sindhu river
- India's total geographical area - 3.28 million sq km (32,87,263 sq kms)
- India's place in the world - 7th in Area
- India - North to South distance - 3214 kms
- India - East to West distance - 2933 kms
- Standard maridian of India - 82˚ 30' E
- India North Latitudes - Between 8˚ 4' and 37˚ 6'
- East Longitudes - Between 68˚ 7' and 97˚ 25'
- India's land frontier - 15,200 kms
- India's coastline - 7516.6 kms
- I.S.T - Indian Standard Time
- The time difference between I.S.T and Greenwich Mean Time - 5 1/2 hours
- First Sun rises at - Arunachal Pradesh
- Last Sun rises at - Gujarat
- The time difference between Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat - 2 hours
- Total number of Islands - 247
- Tear drop in the India Ocean - Srilanka
- The Island between India and Srinka - Pamban Island
- Srilanka is separated by - Gulf of Mannar and Palk Strait
- The biggest state in area - Rajasthan
- The smallest state in area - Goa
- The biggest union territory - Andaman and Nicobar
- The smallest union territory - Lakshadweep
- The Andaman and Nicobar islands - Volcanic origin
- The Lakshadweep Islands - Coral Origin
- The Indian Island closest to the equator - Great Nicobar
- Stands on three seas - Tamilnadu
- Himalayan Kingdom - Nepal
- Total Number of states and Union Territories - 29, 7
- The boundary line between India and China - Mac Mohan Line
- The country closest to Lakshadweep - Maldives
- Large border country to India - Bangladesh
- The roof of the world - Tibet
- India's South Tip - Cape Camorin
Length of Boundary Line of India with other countries
- Bangladesh - 4096 kms
- China - 3917 kms
- Pakisthan - 3310 kms
- Nepal - 1752 kms
- Myanmar - 1458 kms
- Bhutan - 587 kms
- Afghanistan - 80 kms
India as a Subcontinent
- Diversified Physiographic Conditions
- Himalayas
- Indogenetic plain
- Peninsular plateau
- Dry desert sand
- Coastal plains
- Population - 1.21 billion
- Rivers
- Ganga
- Brahmaputra
- Godavari
- Krishna
- Languages - Recognized Languages : 22
- Vegetative Conditions :
- Animal production
- Crop paddy, wheat
- Mineral Production : Iron, Manganese
- Climate :
- Tropical
- Monsoon
- Soils :
- Alluvial Soil
- Mountainous SOil
- Black Soil
- Red Soil
- Desert Soils
- Laterite Soil
- Different Cultures :
- Aryan
- Dravidian
- Main Religions :
- Hinduism
- Islam
- Christianity
- Buddhism
- Jainism
- Sikhism
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