- Communalism : A narrow aggressive and divisive outlook on the part of a section of people
- Regionalism : Regionalism is the tendency to preserve and promote the language, customs, culture, economy and the way of life of a particular region.
- Casteism : It opposes the democratic principles of liberty, equality and fraternity
- Scam : Large scale swindling of public funds
- Social evils that oppress women : Dowry System, Illiteracy and Early marriages
- Six types of freedoms given to an Individual :
- Speech and Expression
- Peaceful Assembly
- Forming Associations and Unions
- Free movement throughout the country
- Residence and Settlement
- Practicing any profession or occupation
- 2 important rights of a Child :
- The right to life, health, nutrition and adequate standards of living
- Freedom from all forms of exploitation, abuse, inhuman treatment and neglect
- The National Policy of Education Published in : 1986
- National Policy of Education : Provides education to all children between the age group of 6 to 14 years
- National Literacy Mission : 1988
- India and Pakisthan were separated : on the basis of Religion
- A basic human need today : Education
- The Government Document : Education for all (1990)
- First Linguistic State in India : Andhra Pradesh
- Habeus Corpus : A writ, that provides remedy for wrongful detention of a person
- Depressed castes : now called scheduled castes
- Scheduled Castes : also called "Dalits"
- Lok Ayukta and Lok Pal : to check corruption

Articles :
- 17th Article : Untouchability is forbidden and prohibited
- 21st Article : Right to live
- 24th Article : Prohibition of employment of children in hazardous work
- 29th Article : Minorities have the right to safeguard their own language and culture
- 30th Article : Minorities have the right to establish educational institutions
Acts :
Prevention of Corruption Act : 1988
The Children Act : 1933
The Employment of Children Act : 1938
The Factories Act : 1948
The Government of India Act : 1935
The Protection of Civil Rights Act : 1955
Dowry Prohibition Act : 1961
Particulars of Literacy (as per 2011 Census)
- India currently has the Largest Illiterate Population
- India's Literacy Rate :
- Adults - 74%
- Youth - 82 %
- Female Literacy Rate : 65.46%
- Male Literacy Rate : 82.14 %
- Highest Literacy State : Kerala (93.91 %)
- Lowest Literacy State : Bihar (63.82 %)
- Literacy rate in S.C : 37 %
- Literacy rate in S.T : 30 %
- Growth of Literacy Rate from 1947 to 2011 : 12 %
Important Note : As you know some of the details mentioned above have changed during these 3 years. For example, Tripura beat Kerala with the Highest Literacy Rate 94.65 % (as on 7th September 2013). But its better to follow the official reports (of 2011) till we get the new census report until and unless they clearly mention the year.
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