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General Science MCQs for SSC CGL 2013 - Set 2

gs bits for ssc cgl

The temperature of Oxyacetylene flame is around

Which is the most stable eco-system ?

Lambert's law is related to?

The coral reefs are the marine counterparts of

The Refrigirant 'FERON' is

DNA fingerprinting is used to identify the
All the above

The normal cholesterol level in human blood is ?

Which of the following are warm-blooded animals?

Syrinx is the voice box in?

The dreid flower buds are used as a spice in

The tissue in man where no cell division occurs after birth is

Troposphere is the hottest part of the atmosphere because?

The outermost layer of the Sun is called

Which of the following can be used to absorb neutrons to control the chain reaction during nuclear fission?

Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of

Which type of reaction produces the most harmful radiation?

Which type of glass is used for making glass reinforced plastic?

Which of the following metals causes Itai-Itai disease?

Glycol is added to aviation gasoline because it

The largest ecosystem of the Earth is



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