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English Grammar Shortcuts
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English Grammar Shortcuts
Lesson 1 : Usage of Articles
Basics of Nouns (Part 3 - Noun and Verb / Pronoun Agreement)
Lesson 3 : Some Common Errors of English
Lesson 4 : Important Shortcut rules of English for Competitive Exams
Parts of Speech - Shortcut Rules
Lesson 5 : Important topics of English Section for Competitive Exams
Lesson 5 : Important topics of English Section for Competitive Exams
Verbal Ability Study Material (new update)
Lesson 6 : Tips for Correct Spellings
List of Frequently Misused / Confused words (homophones)
Lesson 7 : Reading Comprehension :
How to get Good Marks in Reading Comprehension ?
Lesson 8 : Descriptive Paper :
Precis Writing Tips
1. Introduction
2. How to write Good Precis for SBI PO Exams ?
3. Approach to Precis Writing
4. Important Techniques to Compress the given data for Precis Writing
5. Precis Writing Examples
Letter Writing Tips
Essay Writing Tips
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Walk in
12 February 2016 at 21:56
Learning new vocabulary is very interesting for fresh learners. who want to get command over language learning skills
categories of toefl
11 April 2016 at 10:37
Spoken English is pretty relaxed and you can get away with grammatical errors most of the time, but it pays to speak correctly.
Professional APA Editor
7 September 2016 at 06:11
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